Today I am even more convinced that I made the right move not to go with YTb but Traverus instead, and I have several people on my team who were in ytb but swithced to Traverus. YTB was Terminated from Royal Caribbean as a Card Mill. Now it is reported they have Lost thier IATAN accredidation. This means that the YTB business model is losing to much credibility with the Travel industry and suppliers. I have tried my best to Educate people on the difference between an RTA or CRTA Vs a TRUE Certified Travel Agent. I have nothing against any agents as I still have friends over there whom I am sure will be joining Traverus now. Why? Because Traverus is Different...
We are a 26 year old Internationally Brick and mortar hosting Agency. Traverus is not an mlm company created to do travel. It is a traditional Agency that opened its doors to effectively Train home based travel agents.We are celebrity driven at ground floor level. Those who like the travel industry and are looking for somthing stable that has the potential of duplication needs to take a look at http://www.ytbexposed.com/
Think about this for a moment! Be the first to switch in your city and I will how you how to overide your entire city at ground floor level.......IATAN also dropped three other companys. Joystar did not loose thier IATAN numbers to date just thier Royal Caribbean Cruise Liscense with YTB and GTI. I am looking forward to helping others who will be making the change from YTB to Traverus. They will find the program a lot easier and more duplicatible because you can be a CTA for only $119.00! That is Why we have over 10k reps our first year...it took YTB 3yrs just to get 3k. Its time to Catch the next true Icon Wave of the Travel industry...
I will personally assist anyone who joins my team as I do with everyone who sees the opportunity as a Godsend. If you are Coachable, Teachable & Trainable you will be successful in TraVerus.
Give me a call and get your questions answered. Hope to speak with you soon.
G. Renay Lyons
Money Waiting For You757-565-1779